Grow Ghana Is Making Basic and Practical ICT a Must For Every Child in Rural Ghana

In 2015 it was estimated that most students in rural Ghana did not even touch a computer until senior high school. On the average, 189 pupil use one single computer in a public school. This is where Grow Ghana comes in. They have developed a curriculum inspired by the Raspberry Pi Foundation which brings vital Information and Technology (IT) skills to local schools using the Raspberry Pi device; a mini computer designed for education.


Grow Ghana is a nonprofit organization in Ghana that aims to leverage the power of ICT to educate, mentor, and empower young people in underprivileged societies. The main goal of their training is to establish logical reasoning, critical thinking, and creativity.

Founders, challenges and future plans

Gifty Nana Yaa Yeboah and Wendel Laryea are the co-founders of Grow Ghana. Gifty characterized the early stages of Grow Ghana as being very difficult because she began working from her kitchen with her personal laptop.

” We didn’t have partnership with the schools from the start, we had to design a curriculum that was the right fit. We didn’t have access to funding or IT equipment, we had little time, and had no space for lessons. We founded Grow Ghana in 2018, but we didn’t start operating until 2019 due to the initial manifold challenges. But in all, we are proud we surged on ” – Gifty Nana Yaa Yeboah

In the next five (5) years Grow Ghana seeks to enroll 10,000 students into their holistic programme and build up to 100 IT laboratories throughout Ghana.


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