The Shrewd Foundation’s Research-Driven Approach To Ending Streetism In Ghana

In a world where millions of children are abandoned and forgotten on the streets, The Shrewd Foundation has emerged as a powerful force of change, dedicated to providing hope and a pathway to a brighter future. With their unwavering commitment to street children, this remarkable organization is transforming lives and working towards a world where every child has the opportunity to thrive. Founded on July 13, 2017, by a group of passionate and driven youths led by Sophia Celestina Apenkro, The Shrewd Foundation is on a mission to end child streetism and address the socio-economic challenges faced by vulnerable children in Ghana. Through empathy, understanding, and inclusive decision-making, the foundation is making significant strides in transforming the lives of street children.

Research-Based Approach:

At the heart of The Shrewd Foundation’s work is an extensive research process conducted at the beginning of each year. This research aims to gain a deep understanding of the problems and challenges associated with streetism. The dedicated research team compiles a comprehensive report that serves as the foundation for informed decision-making. The report is presented to the entire organization, facilitating discussions and assessments to shape the subsequent actions of the foundation.

Based on the report, the foundation makes informed decisions regarding the type of mini-outreach program to be conducted in April. A specific date and theme are chosen, and preparations for the outreach initiative commence.

Tailored Mini-Outreach Programs:

Building upon the research findings, The Shrewd Foundation organizes mini-outreach programs specifically designed for street children. These programs take place in various regions where the foundation operates, including the Western Region, Central Region, Greater Accra Region, and Ashanti Region. Each region has its unique name for the mini-outreach event, creating a sense of belonging and community. By tailoring these initiatives to meet the specific needs of street children, the foundation ensures that its efforts have a meaningful impact on the lives of those it seeks to support.

Omanye: A Major Outreach Program:

One of the key highlights of The Shrewd Foundation’s initiatives is the “Omanye” (The Good Omen) program, which takes place in the second quarter of the year. Omanye focuses on educating street children about good health and well-being. This program also serves as an opportunity for the foundation to engage with the parents and guardians of street children, providing them with educational resources and support. To address the pressing health concerns faced by the community, health screenings are organized during the Omanye outreach, with the foundation’s medical team offering vital medical advice and guidance.

Empowering Volunteers and Christmas Outreach:

Following the major outreach program, The Shrewd Foundation conducts seminars to boost the productivity and effectiveness of its dedicated volunteers. This investment in their volunteers ensures sustained impact and effective implementation of their programs. The year is then concluded with a Christmas outreach initiative, providing vulnerable and marginalized children with nutritional food, adequate clothing, and essential items. This festive support brings joy and comfort to those who need it the most, creating a positive and memorable experience for the children.

In the face of immense challenges faced by street children, The Shrewd Foundation stands as a beacon of hope. Through their research-driven approach, targeted outreach programs, and commitment to empowering street children, they are transforming lives and building a world where every child has the opportunity to flourish. The tireless efforts of The Shrewd Foundation are breaking barriers, inspiring change, and creating a future where no child is left abandoned on the streets.


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