Akorfa Ama Akoto And Her Team Of 16 Educators Are Building And Renovating Libraries In Ghana.

Spring-UP Global Network was founded by Ms. Akorfa Ama Akoto, a Ghanaian youth and a strong advocate for the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal 4, with much focus on underprivileged children’s inclusiveness and access to quality education.

Spring-UP Global Network was born out of the need to bridge the gap created by the inadequate number of youth mentors committed to providing career guidance, motivation, and emotional support to basic school children living in deprived communities in Ghana.

Lets Take a look at Some of the projects Akorfa and her Team have embarked on so far!

iRead iLead Campaign

The iRead iLead campaign is one of the flagship programs that was launched in January 2020 as a 10-year strategic educational program to improve literacy and encourage children to read in rural parts of Ghana. As part of the campaign, they partner with schools each year to refurbish their school library. Since the launch of the campaign in January 2020, SUGN has refurbished 2 school libraries and established 2 Readers and Writers Clubs in these schools. The first was commissioned in February 2021 at Yevi D/A Basic School located in the Volta Region, and the second at Agbekotsekpo D/A Basic.

Before and after renovation of Agbekotsekpo D/A Basic School

mentorship and career guidance for students of Ayeduase R/C JHS.

“Mentor Me” is a unique mentorship program that provides an opportunity for Spring-UP global volunteers to engage students in primary and selected schools in selected career guidance and mentorship topics. The first “Mentor Me” for this year was held on Thursday, June 2nd, 2022, benefitting the over 180 junior high school students of the Ayeduase R/C JHS in the Ashanti region. The topic for this mentorship and career guidance session was: “21st century career opportunities; what are they and how do you prepare to explore them?” Substance abuse, menstrual health education, and the need to develop a positive attitude towards learning were also discussed. The programme included an educational talk, a mentor-mentee breakout session, and some games.

Donation of school supplies to Great James Academy

On Friday January 28th, 2022, Spring-UP Global Network donated school supplies to over 200 students at the Great James Academy in Chorkor to aid teaching and learning in the school that caters for orphans and street-connected children.

Within three years, Akorfa and her team have reached over 2,400 beneficiaries in schools and orphanages in Central, Ashanti, Volta and the Greater Accra Regions of Ghana through 13 projects. Their impact is sowing seeds of hope for the future.

Akorfa believes in teamwork and for her, the 16 Tertiary students and Business Professionals who currently volunteer their time, skills and money to advance the objectives of Spring-UP Global Network are the heroes of impact and change.

Follow them on Instagram : https://instagram.com/spring_up_global_network?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

website : http://www.springupglobalnetwork.org/

CEO Spring Up Global: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/springupglobalnetwork/

CEO Spring Up Global: personal Website : http://www.akorfaakoto.com


Instagram: https://twitter.com/sugnetwork?s=21&t=7SHvIYwQdjf_rEiVQEDo7Q

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/spring-up-global-network/

Email: springupglobalnetwork@gmail.com


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